Our Services
Programme AssuranceA programme represents a large, multi-faceted initiative, often related to transforming and improving the business. Often this means a programme is made up of multiple projects and occurs over an extended period. Programme assurance provides confidence in the rollout and continuing function of a programme to ensure the best possible quality, efficiency, risk mitigation – and ultimately success.
How We Conduct Assurance For Your Programme
Programmes can be complex, intricate and often unpredictable – and that’s where IQANZ offers clarity. Programmes are highly strategic, so we assess the structural rigour and alignment of intent for the critical building blocks of your programme. We’ll help provide the confidence to progress, ensuring all components are on track and moving in the right direction.

Your Programme, Assessed By Experts
Our Programme Assurance framework is based on Managing Successful Programmes® (MSP®).
Tailoring our QA framework for each client, we typically assess:
- How the programme delivers to an organisation’s strategic goals and how the business case demonstrates that.
- What the organisation expects to get from the programme and how these benefits are defined, planned for and monitored.
- How the programme is structured and governed and whether the right people are in the right places.
- Whether those who are interested in the programme are engaged with it in the right ways.
- How the projects and activities that make up the programme are planned and managed throughout its life.
- What challenges face the programme and how these are managed and mitigated.
- How the programme plans to deliver the expected outcomes to expectations.
By doing this, you get comfort that your programme:
- effectively facilitates, directs and guides underlying projects to collectively achieve expected outcomes,
- provides a strong framework for the successful delivery of individual projects, and
- can realise benefits through the capability it’s delivering.
Managing Successful Programmes is a [registered] trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under the permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved. MSP is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under the permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

Is it right
How Do I Know If A Programme Is Right For IQANZ?
How Does The Programme Assurance Process Work?
When Should I Engage QA On My Programme?
When crisis hits a programme – be it budgetary, milestone slippage or lack of tangible results, IQANZ can quickly surround your team to help them understand the issues and put together an action plan to make things better.
Finally, when a programme is concluded, you might want external, neutral expertise to facilitate a retrospective and review the success of the initiative. These engagements are highly valuable to shape future decision making with programmes.
Helping your programme succeed
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Programmes are often based on enabling large scale transformation. We explain...
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Building a programme governance model
Governance helps an organisational programme run more smoothly. We ...
Procurement for programmes
Procurement relies upon expertise and processes to get right. A well planned...
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What is Change Management?
Influencing and ultimately coordinating change is not straight forward. In this guide...
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Long term budget planning for programmes
How do you effectively budget for long term programmes, with deliverables...
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Public sector and programme management
How does a large programme of work differ in the public sector vs. private enterprise?
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Latest Programme Assurance Articles
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What it takes to lead a successful organisational programme
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How To Align The Business Around A Programme
Creating cohesion between parts of the business is crucial for a programme’s success. We cover some ways to approach this challenge.
How assurance on a programme differs from project QA
Conducting assurance on a programme requires a broader, more strategic perspective than a review of a project. We explore this difference and others in this article.
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